Apple harvest Val Venosta 2011

A time-lapse sequence (25 fps = 0'44") of all 1100 photographs I made 19th September 2011. There is a jump toward the end, I was distracted and didn't replace the 2nd 16GB card in the camera on time, I missed about an hour, 120 shots (4 secs) :-(

Subjects include:
Apple picking in Val Venosta, South Tyrol, Italy

Typical! The only two days that it rained in September were these, and just when these trees were harvested. Shot from a back window of the castle (Schloss Goldrain) so the camera was dry. It was also the first snow of the season, you may just see it on the mountains at the end of the sequence. Over these two days the temperature dropped 10-15 degrees but one week later back to summer!

I have not used audio mainly to avoid copyright issues, and therefore respecting the rights of artists.

For those that like equipment... these were all taken with a Canon 5D, an EF 14mm f/2.8L USM and a timer - 1 shot every 30 seconds.

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